Freight Brokers 90 Day Credit Guide

Learn the strategies professional freight brokers use to build or improve their credit in 90 days.

The 90 Day Credit Guide Teaches 3 Things:

  • How to leverage "Net 30" accounts to build a credit history with the large credit unions.
  • Why a strong factoring partner is essential to helping you build credit, especially during the startup phase.
  • Why you may benefit from separating your personal and business expenses on a company credit card.
  • And so much more...

This PDF is a valuable resource designed to help you build a stronger foundation of credit.

*This guide is not to be regarded as financial advice.  Any advice you take from this guide is done so at your own risk


Freight Broker Mentor

Luis is a 15 year veteran of the freight brokerage industry. After taking over a family run brokerage after one decade Luis' has extensive experience in all aspects of brokering including operations, sales, team growth & management and more.  

Luis started Freight Broker Mentor after noticing a pattern of old information circulating the freight broker community and has made it his mission to help 100,000 freight brokers reach profitability.   Freight Broker Mentor's goal is to make brokerage education accessible to as many people as possible while maintaining quality and relevance with method's that work today in the modern age.

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