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Can you Be a Freight Broker With No Experience?

Can you become a freight broker with no experience?  This is a common question for those coming into the industry but the answer isn’t so clear.  While of course you can become a freight broker with no experience, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should.  Before you make the decision of becoming a freight broker with no experience there are certain things you need to consider and the risks you need to take into account before you take this big step in your career. 

As a freight broker of 15 years now, I have helped agents come through my brokerage with no experience and I have seen both success and failure for those who have tried.  At the same time I have seen the same failures with some who have plenty of experience so in this article we are going to go over some of the qualities of successful brokers who don’t have experience, and other options you have to succeed as a freight broker in today’s competitive market.

The freight brokerage industry offers a world of opportunities for individuals looking to build a rewarding career. With the potential for high earnings and the flexibility to work remotely, it’s no wonder that many are intrigued by the idea of becoming a freight broker. However, a common concern for those new to the industry is whether they can succeed as a freight broker without prior experience. In this blog post, we’ll explore the possibilities and discuss the steps you can take to overcome the challenges of starting a career in freight brokerage with no experience.

Can you become a Freight Broker With No Experience?

There is no mandated requirements to become a freight broker. The opportunity is open to anyone with the ability to register with the appropriate government agencies and to be compliant with DOT regulations.

WIth that said, the relative success of freight broker’s is quite low.  Thousands of freight brokers shut their doors every year due to a number of factors like a volatile economy, truck driver shortages, changing regulations and more.  It is a highly regulated industry and while the barrier to entry is low, it is not an easy business to start or maintain.

With that being said, just because you can be a freight broker with no experience does not mean that you should before you consider some of these factors:

Risks of being a broker with no experience:

Freight Brokering Has a High Cost to Start Up

There are a number of costs associated with starting a freight brokerage.   There are licensing costs, technology costs and operating costs that you have to absorb as a startup broker.  Of course, this is all standard costs of doing business however if you don’t have a plan for profitability, then the odds are you will run out of money before you run out of will power.  Before you get into brokering on your own, without help, make sure you have financial reserves to both operate the business and sustain your lifestyle for at least a few months to a year.

Freight Brokering Is Highly Regulated

Freight brokering is regulated by the FMCSA and the department of transportation.  It is important to stay on top of all of these regulations that are constantly changing in order to be compliant and stay out of trouble with the law.  If you are unfamiliar with how these agencies work, then you may find yourself fined, or shut down due to non compliance. 

It is important if you are a freight broker with little or no experience that you find a reputable freight broker training program to help you understand these regulations and stay off the radar of big brother!

Building a Freight Brokerage Takes Time

In order to become a successful freight broker, you need to have a lot of time to dedicate to the business.  If you are trying to raise a family or holding multiple jobs it might be really hard for you to find the time you need to make something out of this career.  Make sure you have at least 40-60 hours per week to dedicate to growing your brokerage, especially if you are doing it with no experience. 

Experience might be the best teacher but it is also the slowest, and that is why I created my training program the Freight skills academy, to help shortcut your success in the industry even if you don’t have any experience.

How to Get Started in Freight Brokering Without Experience

There are a few ways you can get started in freight brokering without any experience and with little personal risk to your time, and finances. 

Why It’s Possible to Succeed as a Freight Broker with No Experience

In my opinion, here is why it’s very possible to succeed as a freight broker with no experience.

  1. Transferable skills: While prior experience in the freight industry can be beneficial, it’s not a prerequisite for success. Many skills from other industries, such as sales, customer service, and negotiation, can be easily transferred to a freight brokerage career. These abilities can give you a solid foundation for building your expertise as a freight broker.
  2. Access to resources and training: Today, aspiring freight brokers have access to a wealth of resources and training programs designed to help them learn the ins and outs of the industry. Online courses, webinars, and industry conferences offer valuable insights into freight brokerage operations, regulations, and best practices. By taking advantage of these resources, you can gain the knowledge necessary to succeed as a freight broker, even without prior experience.
  3. Networking opportunities: Networking is an essential aspect of building a successful freight brokerage business. Through industry events and online platforms, you can connect with experienced professionals who can provide guidance, advice, and potential partnership opportunities. These connections can help you gain a deeper understanding of the industry and accelerate your growth as a freight broker.
  4. Technology: Modern freight brokerage software and tools can help streamline operations, making it easier for individuals with no experience to manage their business effectively. These tools can simplify tasks such as carrier vetting, load tracking, and communication, allowing you to focus on building relationships with shippers and carriers.

The Best Way to Get Started Freight Brokering With No Experience

The best way to get started as a freight broker with no experience is to become a freight agent working under an existing brokerage.  We explore the difference between a freight broker and freight agent in this video and article which you should check out once you are done here.

In general though, becoming a freight agent will allow you to take advantage of another brokerages, financial stability, risk management, reputation and resources to act as your own broker without taking on significant risk.  You’ll still have all of the same independence, job functions and responsibilities of a freight broker with the same opportunity to make a lot of money for yourself.

So, becoming a freight agent is one of the best ways to get started as a freight broker with no experience.

If you are still not convinced and you are confident enough to take on the endeavor of becoming a freight broker with no experience, I highly recommend you check out our free training.  It is appropriately titled “The Six Figure Freight Broker” and it will give you insight into everything you need to know to grow your brokerage from 0 to six figures in record time.

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